Take Care of Your Skin When You’re Sick

Cold and flu season are here, and not only does your body feel bad, but your skin can suffer some ill effects, as well. To make sure your skin stays healthy while you’re sick, follow some of these simple tips from us here at Parker Plastic Surgery.
1. Use a humidifier at night. Dry air can rob your skin of essential moisture and many decongestants will dehydrate the skin, as well. Having a humidifier helps to maintain hydration levels in the skin.
2. Apply a cold gel mask to your skin. We all know a cold pack is a great way to help alleviate a pounding head or achy face. But did you know that since decongestants can dehydrate the skin, a gel mask is a good way to help replenish skin’s moisture?
3. Keep moisturizer on your nose at all times. We’ve seen the Puffs Plus commercials, and chances are, we’ve all been there. Blowing your nose repeatedly can cause red, dry, and irritated skin, so after every blow, apply a small amount of moisturizer to the nose area for comfort and repair.
4. Think mint. With all that congestion, it can be downright hard to breathe. Look for products that contain mint as it helps open clogged nasal passages. You can also sip on some mint tea. It can help with congestion, drain sinuses and soothe a sore throat.
5. Drink lots of water. It’s always important to stay hydrated, and keeping fluids in your system can help flush away toxins and keep your internal temperature down.