Sun Safety Tips for Your Skin

Spring has arrived, and let’s face it, most of us love the sun – it feels good and makes us happy. However, sun exposure causes many of the skin changes we’ve come to think as a normal part of aging. Ultraviolet light damages skin’s elastin and the skin begins to sag and stretch. We start to notice wrinkles, freckles, and discoloration. And, of course, sun exposure is the number one cause of skin cancer – basal cell, squamous cell and melanoma.
As a plastic surgeon, I perform a lot of skin cancer surgeries and would like to give you some tips to help protect yourself from the sun.
Apply at least an SPF 30 sunscreen thirty minutes before going out in the sun.
Use cosmetic products that contain ans SPF
Wear wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses with UV protection
Avoid direct sun exposure between 10 am and 2 pm (peak UV hours)
Avoid tanning beds
Perform skin exams regularly so you’re familiar with existing moles and notice any changes or new ones.
So whether you’ve got a vacation coming up or you’re simply planning on spending time in the sunshine at home, protect your skin and keep it healthy.