Micro needling is here

Maybe you’ve heard about micro needling on a TV show or read about it in a magazine and wondered what the fuss is all about. Well, here’s a little information about what it is and why we are so excited to add it to our list of services.
What is micro needling?
Micro needling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is performed using a device – we use Rejuvapen – with 9 adjustable surgical-grade stainless steel needles to create thousands of micro channels in the skin. This process stimulates the skin’s natural response to healing thereby promoting the production of collagen and elastin (which means healthier, younger-looking skin).
What is micro needling for?
It may sound too good to be true, but micro needling works for aging-skin issues such as fine lines, wrinkles, pore size, sun damage and hyperpigmentation. It can be used to treat the face, the hands and the decollete. It’s also great for acne scars, surgical scars and stretch marks. And because, unlike lasers, micro needling doesn’t produce heat, it works on all skin types.
What is the downtime?
After the procedure- which usually takes 30 minutes to one hour – your skin will look as if you have a sunburn and your skin will be dry and feel tight. We recommend that you take the rest of the day off and stay out of the sun. The next day, most of the redness will have subsided – although some patients stay a little pink for a couple of days – and you can pretty much go back to your daily activities – just make sure you wear the sunscreen that comes in your post procedure packet.
How many treatments are required?
The number of micro needling treatments varies from patient to patient. Many people notice that their skin looks better almost immediately. And although one treatment is beneficial, multiple treatments (3 to 6) are recommended depending on the issues you want to address.
Needless to say, we are delighted to share this service with our patients. If you have questions or would like to schedule a consultation to learn more about what micro needling can do for you, please call our office.