Fifty is the new Fabulous…
Published on June 16, 2016 by
Fifty & Fabulous Did you know that Americans between the ages 35-50 made up 45 percent of cosmetic procedures – surgical and non-surgical – performed in 2014? And it’s no wonder. Youth is touted everywhere we look. And even those celebs who’ve reached the half-century milestone – Sandra Bullock, Cindy Crawford, and Halle Berry to name a […]
Breast Augmentation is #1
Published on April 14, 2016 by
The numbers are in, and for 2015, Breast Augmentation tops the list as the most performed cosmetic surgery in the United States. With a whopping 279,143 procedures performed, breast augmentation maintained its long-running number one spot ahead of liposuction (with 222,051 surgeries performed). Rounding out the top five are 3) rhinoplasty or nose surgery, 4) blepharoplasty or eyelid […]
Options for Aging Eyes
Published on February 11, 2013 by
The eyes are one of the first areas of the face to show the signs of aging, which can be anything from fine lines and wrinkles to more severe under-eye bags, hollows and crepe-y skin. We’ve addressed a couple of the aging-eye problems with our Latisse & Teamine Duo, but if you feel you might want […]